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活動八寶盒   Holiday Kit

主辦機構 Organizers

Rotary Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong

於2006年成立, 成立宗旨是集合各界別的精英,透過四大考驗:屬於真實、各方得到公平、促進親善友誼及兼顧彼此利益,為社會作出真誠及有意義的服務。

Established in 2006 to serve the society through bringing together leaders from different sectors to create meaningful services.

於2015年成立, 致力於青少年服務, 環保工作, 社區發展, 少數族裔發展及國際服務。

Established in 2015, with a focus on youth-oriented and environmental projects to support local community services in particular within Lantau region, as well as district and international initiatives.

Rotary E-Club of Lantau

於2018年成立, 致力於為青少年服務,為青少年給予正能量及開心學習。希望通過循循善誘,為青少年發放正能量,促進他們歡樂中努力地去學習及工作,使他們將來做一個良好的社會棟樑。


Established in 2018, with a focus on youth services for creating a positive and happy learning environment for grooming our youths to be future leaders.

Rotary Club of Abacus Hong Kong
Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong

於2019年5月成立, 與年青人彰顯愛和共融,並一起創造,一起改造,成就一個更好的明天!

Established in May 2019 for services with the young generation, and together we create, we innovate, we care for others, and we enrich and enhance our lives. 

Rotary Club of Ability Hong Kong

於2019年6月成立, 著重老年人及青少年發展,亦成立香港傷健扶青社,透過運動舒緩 學校功課及家庭壓力,減輕精神緊張 ,啓發年青人多參與社區服務。


Established in June 2019, we serve senior citizens, youth and the disabled with a focus on inclusivity with the aim of building mutual understanding for a better community and better future!

於2020年1月成立, 儘管受到全球疫情所影響,我們仍茁壯成長,希望用愛和關懷來照亮我們的世界。

Established in January 2020, we expanded rapidly despite the global pandemic and strive to grow our club to light up our world with love and compassion.

Rotary Club of Island Green
Rotary Club of Eminence Hong Kong


Established in 2020, we aim to  develop service mindset as the foundation of everything we do, with a focus on the exposure of youth to modern agriculture.

Rotary Club of Hong Kong Fairview

於2021年6月成立, 為社區服務,幫助弱勢社群,再鼓勵他們參與義工活動,延續服務理念。

Established in June 2021 to serve the community and to work with the underprivileged to build sustainable services.

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