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Desert Nature

頻道六   Channel 6


Nature's Whispers

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." - John Burroughs

"我走進大自然, 讓大自然舒緩我的情緒, 療愈我的傷痕, 也讓我的感官回歸秩序. " - 约翰·巴勒斯

靜下來, 仔細聽, 或許你會聽到大自然悄悄說的話. 

Slow down and listen carefully, you might hear what nature is trying to tell you.  

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頻道策劃 Channel Curator 

柯靜嫻        企業教練  

Helen Or    Executive Coaching

​作為一名企業教練, 領導力培訓師, 新媒體藝術家及未來思維專業培訓師, Helen 在忙碌的工作中也會盡量抽出時間到與大自然接觸, 讓大自然給予寧靜的同時, 亦給予創作的靈感. 

An executive coach, a corporate trainer, a digital artist, and a foresight practitioner, Helen enjoys the nature and let nature calms her in her busy schedule and inspires her in her consulting work and artwork. 

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