讓你自由穿梭於不同頻道, 尋找你今天所需的me-time lets you roam around the different channels, in search of the me-time that would bring you peace today
歡迎 WELCOME 鼓勵你休息三分鐘, 享受你今天所需的 me-time. encourages you to take a 3-min "me-time" break today to bring you peace, joy and energy! is managed by Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong
頻道四 Channel 4
太陽音樂祭 Solar Music Fest
願每一個旭日都為你帶來希望, 願每一個夕陽都為你帶來平和
May every sunrise bring you hope, and every sunset bring you peace
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頻道策劃 Channel Curator
黃大剛 Edmond Wong 基金管理 Fund Manager
專業是基金經理; 熱愛音樂, 享受唱歌, 勤於練習二胡; 至於攝錄, 則是為製作此頻道而逐步學習
A fund manager by profession, a musician at heart, a videographer under study
特別嘉賓 Special Guest
馬天容 Grace Ma
心理輔導 Counselling
資深心理輔導師, 擁有多年的社會工作經驗; 喜愛烹飪烘培; 也熱衷音樂
An experienced counsellor and social worker; her passion lies in cooking and bakery, as well as music and gardening