top of page 讓你自由穿梭於不同頻道, 尋找你今天所需的me-time lets you roam around the different channels, in search of the me-time that would bring you peace today
歡迎 WELCOME 鼓勵你休息三分鐘, 享受你今天所需的 me-time. encourages you to take a 3-min "me-time" break today to bring you peace, joy and energy! is managed by Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong
頻道十五 Channel 15
Singing Club
"歌詞將音樂喚醒" - 倫永亮
"The lyrics wake up the tune." - Anthony Lun, a HK Songwriter
如有興趣點唱或獻唱, 請聯絡我們
whatsapp: 94350060
80年代的歌曲歌詞旋律豐富, 好有故事性, 歡迎大家來到這個頻道欣賞, Sing-a-long... 如果你有興趣點唱或獻唱一首, 我們也十分歡迎!
80's pop songs is rich in melody and lyrics. The stories convey by these pop songs are imaginative and enticing. Let's enjoy!
第三集. 歌舞聖誕
Episode 3. Singing Club Christmas Jam Session
第二集. 俱樂部210626精選
Episode 2. Singing Club 210626 Selection
精選錄影 Highlights
完整分享 Full Song
00:00 / 01:19
原來只要為你活一天 Carley Law
00:00 / 02:44
Daddy's Home Kenneth Li
00:00 / 03:06
單車 Eric Chak
00:00 / 02:35
風雲 Angela Yee
Keyboard by Ringo
第一集. 俱樂部210522精選
Episode 1. Singing Club 210522 Selection
精選錄影 Highlights
完整分享 Full Song
00:00 / 02:16
你的眼神 Felicia Ho
00:00 / 02:57
夢伴 Eddy Lo
00:00 / 03:54
00:00 / 03:39
Sometimes when we touch
Edmond Wong
喜歡你 M Joe Law @CueReady
Keyboard by Ringo
Disclaimer: We hereby declare that we do not own the rights to this music/song. All rights belong to the owner. No Copyright Infringement Intended.
頻道策劃 Channel Curator
何翠雯 Felicia Ho 未來設計專家 Futures Designer
愛好多多, 永遠停不下來, 唱歌是她其中一個愛好
A restless young lady who is forever onto something new. Singing is one of her beloved recreation
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