讓你自由穿梭於不同頻道, 尋找你今天所需的me-time lets you roam around the different channels, in search of the me-time that would bring you peace today
歡迎 WELCOME 鼓勵你休息三分鐘, 享受你今天所需的 me-time. encourages you to take a 3-min "me-time" break today to bring you peace, joy and energy! is managed by Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong
頻道十四 Channel 14
卡通音樂盒 Cartoon Music Box
”我們並沒有意識到我們在製造回憶, 我們只是玩得很開心。“ - 小熊維尼
"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.“ - - Winnie the Pooh
Episode 4. Studio Ghibli in the 80's 吉卜力工作室 80年代
Theme songs of animation by Studio Ghibli released in the 80's
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Episode 3. Early 80's 80 年代初
Famous theme songs of 千年女王 and more
第三集 Episode 3
Episode 2. 我個名叫麥兜兜
The beloved comic characters of McDull 麥兜 & McMug 麥嘜 and the Cartoon Theme Songs
頻道主持 Channel Curator
FRE3minutes Whatsapp Group
A group of Rotarians gather on whatsapp for taking 3-min breaks!
Episode 1. In the 70's
Delightful cartoon theme songs in the 70's, when Japanese cartoons were first brought into HK