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Little Bird

頻道十三   Channel 13


Singing "On Duty"

"Sing your heart out when in stress.  It will be the best tune you can ever produce as an amateur." - Ansuman କର , Medical Doctor & Writer

在生活中總遇到一些問題,問題本身不會分好壞的,主要是我們如何面對!  遇到時如何處理? 在這裡和大家分享下一個方法。
唱歌令人開心,唱歌也是一個心肺功能的訓練! 好處多多,不用約人,不用器材,不用技巧,任何時間在那裡都可以唱的。一齊唱吧!

We face challenges every day.  There are no good or bad challenges - good and bad exists only in how we face it.  Let me share with you a wonderful way in dealing with challenges - Singing.

Singing makes one happy. Singing is a cardiovascular training.  Singing can be carried out alone. You don't need to make an appointment.  You don't need special equipment or instrument.  And indeed, you don't need any special skills to sing - especially when you are all alone.  How wonderful, isn't it?  Let's explore!

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羅嘉麗           科技應用  

Carley Law   Technology & Application


Carley Law, an experienced executive in the area of technology application and electronic media, is a self-taught talented singer.  Even as a teenager, she was picked to perform in advert songs.  So don't be surprised if her voice sounds familiar!

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