FRE3minutes.com 讓你自由穿梭於不同頻道, 尋找你今天所需的me-time
FRE3minutes.com lets you roam around the different channels, in search of the me-time that would bring you peace today
FRE3minutes.com 鼓勵你休息三分鐘, 享受你今天所需的 me-time. FRE3minutes.com encourages you to take a 3-min "me-time" break today to bring you peace, joy and energy!
FRE3minutes.com is managed by Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong

頻道十二 Channel 12
3 mins Ukulele for Beginners
”要彈奏一個樂器實在是太容易了:你只要在適當的時候按下適當的琴鍵,這樂器就會奏出音樂。“ - 巴哈
"It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.“ - Johann Sebastian Bach
第三集 Episode 3
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頻道主持 Channel Curator
Dimple Cruz Vocalist and Performer
Dimple Cruz is a multi-talented artist who performs different genre of music, from pop to ballad, jazz, RNB, Soul & Rock. She also plays guitar, ukulele, cajon/percussion and frequently performs in shows and events. Aside from live performance, Dimple is also passionate about doing covers on her youtube channel and teach instruments to younger kids. She has a single album titled "Move On" released.