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歡迎 WELCOME 鼓勵你休息三分鐘, 享受你今天所需的 me-time. encourages you to take a 3-min "me-time" break today to bring you peace, joy and energy! is managed by Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong

頻道十一 Channel 11
Let's Go Music
"音樂給予宇宙靈魂,給予心靈一雙翅膀,給予想像飛行的空間, 給予一切事物生命力。" - 柏拉圖
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." - Plato
In this channel, I hunt for music from around the world, played on different types of musical instruments for your enjoyment
Episode 9. Japan - Contemporary Music
Starting this episode with Master Kitaro
00:00 / 05:18
Silk Road
Synthesized Music
00:00 / 04:01
00:00 / 03:46
Spirited Away
Cover Performed by Flutecookies
Castle in the Sky
Music Box
Performed by Ha Vu
Episode 2. America - Selection 1
Watch the performance of "Dust in the wind" on an interesting instrument, Harpejji, developed in 2007 by American audio engineer Tim Meeks
00:00 / 03:51
on Saxophone
Performed by KennyG
00:00 / 03:18
Annie's Song
a John Denver song on flute
Performed by Simeon Wood
00:00 / 03:12
Dust in the Wind
a Kansas song on Harpejji G16
Performed by Mathieu Terrade
Episode 10. Japan - Traditional Instrument
Have you heard the sound of a Shakuhachi 尺八? It's like the sound from heaven
00:00 / 03:47
Hi To Mi ひとみ
Shakuhachi 尺八
Composed by Horii Kojiro (堀井 小二朗), performed by Rodrigo Rodriguez
00:00 / 04:33
00:00 / 03:14
Taiko 太鼓
Performed by Kodo Heartbeat 鼓童
Shamisen 三弦琴
Performed by 津軽三味線
Episode 7. Europe - Scandinavia
Very innovative performance by Swedish group Wintergatan
00:00 / 04:04
Marble Machine
Specially built Marble Machine
Constructed & Performed by Wintergatan
00:00 / 02:47
00:00 / 05:17
Batabid (Bjork)
Original song by Bjork
Chiquitita (ABBA)
Performed by Phil McGarrick
Episode 5. Australia
Some refreshing music from Down Under
00:00 / 03:53
Australian Outback
Didgeridoo and flute
Music by Brandon Fiechter
00:00 / 04:18
Best Drummer Ever
Plastic Buckets
Performed by Gordo

00:00 / 04:59
All Out of Love
An Air Supply song (Instrumental)
00:00 / 04:06
Somebody that I Used to Know
Song originally sung by Gotye & Kimbra
Instrumental Reconstruction by Cardi
00:00 / 03:55
Somebody that I Used to Know
Song originally sung by Gotye & Kimbra
Performed by Sarah Schachner on String Instrument
00:00 / 03:06
Somebody that I Used to Know
Song originally sung by Gotye & Kimbra
Arranged by Pau Ortola
Episode 8. South America - Peru
Let's enjoy lively Peruvian music - music that is close to nature
00:00 / 03:39
Phuru Runas
Performed by Sumac Pacha
00:00 / 05:39
00:00 / 03:16
The Lonely Shepherd
Siku (Andean Panpipe) & Violin
Performed by André Rieu & Gheorghe Zamfir
El Condor Pasa
Siku & Quena (Andean Panpipe & Flute)
Performed by Indios Tabajaras
Episode 4. America - Final Selection
The final selection features groups that presents music in this electronic and digital age
00:00 / 05:08
Beethoven's 5 Secrets
Piano & Cello, recorded in layers
Performed by The Piano Guys
00:00 / 04:28
Electronic Music
Composed & Produced by Kygo

00:00 / 02:31
Extreme Energy
Electronic Guitar
Composed & Produced by MusicToday80
Episode 3. America - Selection 2
Some say that Blues change the music scene and has a big influence over pop music - do you agree?
00:00 / 05:14
Tenor Madness
Jazz Quartet
Performed by Chad LB Quartet
00:00 / 04:18
Pinetop's Blues
on Piano
Performed by Pinetop Perkins
00:00 / 04:18
Boogie Woogie Improv
on Piano
Performed by Leyva Twins
Episode 1. Turkey
A refreshing interpretation of Rondo alla Turca on classical guitar by Emre Sabuncuoglu

00:00 / 02:28
Rondo alla Turca
on Classical Guitar
Performed by Emre Sabuncuoglu

00:00 / 02:22
Turkish Delight Dance
on Acoustic Guitar
Performed by Maneli Jamal & Shaï Sebbag

00:00 / 02:58
on Flute
Performed by Bakhtiar Baharin
Episode 12. Hong Kong
The familiar "Under the Lion Rock" interpreted beautifully with various musical instruments
00:00 / 03:13
Composed by George Lam
00:00 / 03:19
00:00 / 03:14
Various Musical Instruments
Performed by The Teng Ensemble
Unwind Groove 01
Original Music specially composed and produced for FRE3minutes by Antonio Serrano Jr
Special picks of Japanese pop music that became popular in Hong Kong
Episode 11. Hong Kong-Japan Melange
00:00 / 04:24
月半小夜曲 (廣東話版)/ Half Moon Serenade (Japanese Original)
Composed by Naoko Kawai (河合奈保子), performed by Khuong An Nguyen
00:00 / 04:23
星(廣東話版)/昴(すばる) (Japanese Original)
Composed by Shinji Tanimura (谷村新司), Performed by Momo Tian
00:00 / 01:44
頻道策劃 Channel Curator
黃大剛 Edmond Wong 基金管理 Fund Manager
專業是基金經理; 熱愛音樂, 享受唱歌, 勤於練習二胡
A fund manager by profession, a musician at heart
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