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頻道一   Channel 1




“Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.” - Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart 

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Living a simple life in our bustle and hustle city is not easy. In this channel, I would like to share some practical means and insightful ideas in various aspects with you to establish simple lifestyle. The content may include funny music, heartwarming drama, scrumptious cookery and relaxation exercise to help you create a joyful and delightful daily routine. Hopefully, you could embark on yourFRE3 minutes journey to build up the ideal life you dream for. 

頻道主持 Channel Curator

吳孟傑  Matthew Ng   全職社工  Social Worker 


Being a social worker, serving in local and overseas rehabilitation field for nearly twenty years, and equipped with Masters degree in both Social Work and Counseling, I would like to share my contribution in helping people to build up a “Simple Lifestyle” to nurture their physical and mental well-being as my lifelong mission. “A thousand miles begin with a single step.” I would like to spark your reflection by providing various “Simple Tips” which I hope would bring pleasure and satisfaction to your life. 

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